I am a science geek, remember. What I am about to tell you has nothing to do with pathophysiology from the standard medical textbook. This understanding of emotions and dis-ease came to me through the work of outstanding people like Louse L Hay and Dr Joe Dispenza. For more on their work read “You Can Heal Your Life” Louise L Hay and “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself” Dr Joe Dispenza.

Stay with me here… We are all made up of trillions of atoms that hang out together giving us the appearance of mass, an object, our bodies. Each atom has energy and a specific vibration. Our emotions (energy in motion) have the ability to affect our vibe, this includes and it not limited to, the vibration of others around us, our environment, even the vibration of the food we eat! This concept gives way to the notion that our thoughts, become our words, which become our actions which can change us at a cellular level. Sound a little woohoo?

I had always attributed my passion and emotion to my Italian heritage. In my family, speaking to one another meant yelling, helping one another meant suffocating and controlling, you cared and loved someone by worrying for and about them.

Spoke with my hands?

Im Italian!!

Spent my days worrying about the future and critical about the past?
Im Italian!!

Not “good” unless it was perfect, never enough. I was my own worst enemy. Now, I am more aware of these thought patterns.

I am not about to tell you I have it figured out or that I am a guru of my emotions and feelings.

I am making small steps each day towards the best version of myself. I have read self-help books, bought intention bracelets with stones to help my afflictions, worked with my energy worker who truly shifted my mindset. Here are a few situations that I still experience regularly and what has worked for me. I hope that you find one that will work for you

Walk past the mirror, see that ‘less than desirable body part’

Sit down and count the rolls, constantly fixate, feel self conscious

Try on my little black dress from a few years ago and I feel like a whale

When these feelings and thoughts were very loud I removed the mirrors from around my room and living area. (mom always told me, “If you cant say anything good, don’t say anything at all”)

Positive affirmations (NOTE: these only work IF you a) believe them, b) create an affirmation that resonates with you c) use them!)

Mine was “I lovingly accept my body the way that it is now” yours can be whatever you want…
”I am a goddess, look at dat a$$!”

My business isn’t going anywhere. What was I thinking calling myself an entrapaneur, I left my cushy job with a regular pay cheque for this!?

read “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan and  “You Are A Baddass At Making Money” by Jen Sincero. They say it WAY better than I could articulate. These books are played and replayed on my Audible app as a constant reminder.

Wake up
Where do I start?
Do I check emails?
Should I go to the gym so I can work straight throughout the day?

Is there a meeting that I am forgetting about?!

Morning Meditation. Trust me when I say that I have never considered myself someone to have meditation skills. My mind immediately goes to my “To Do List” anytime I have a few quiet moments. Everyone’s meditation practice is different, some days it might suck, some days you can sit in a lotus position and chant “om” for 20 minutes.

It is called a practice for a reason.

Here is how head strong, stubborn, alpha type energizer bunnies mediate:

    1. Understand that meditation is being in the present moment, it is breathing, non judgmental, there is no schedule our outline. There is no perfect way, and that is perfect
    2. Ok, so you cant turn off your brain-that’s fine! Use music, a guided meditation or a meditation app like Headspace.
    3. Do it! Wake up 5 minutes early if you have to, go somewhere on your lunch where you can be completely alone, lock yourself in the damn bathroom if you have to.

Im a mess, I don’t know where to start and I cant imagine trying any mindset techniques on my own right now

perfect. Meet yourself where you are at and hire a coach to help

For more resources and support email me here
#stress #selfhelp #development #posititve