per·for·mance nutrition

pərˈfôrməns nutrition


Performing at your best requires nutrition, lifestyle and habit shifts.

Performance is physical and cognitive.

Choose optimal as the new standard.

Personalized One on One Nutrition Coaching

Are you looking for a plan to guide you to your specific goals? 

Personalized coaching will take you through the most important pillars of nutrition and lifestyle shifts. Recommendations will be individualized and you will have the support and resources to action these steps. 

Team and Group Nutrition Coaching

In and off season nutrition support to fuel your athletes effectively. Melissa has worked with teams across sport at all levels of competition to prepare, fuel and recovery to preform their best. 

Corporate Nutrition

Bring Performance Nutrition to your team and create a culture of high performance to the workplace.

Where You Can Find Me


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1009 Andora Ave, Ontario, Canada, K2JOK4